Monday, May
13, 2013
6:00 - 7:30 pm
State Technical Community College
10915 Hardin
Valley Road, Knoxville
J.L Goins Administration
Cafeteria Annex
Award-Winning Student Presentations
This months ETGS meeting
will follow a slightly different format than is usual. Instead of
having one speaker give a 50-minute-long presentation, we will be
featuring three mini presentations, each approximately 15 minutes
long, by graduate students from the Department of Earth and
Planetary Sciences (EPS) at the University of Tennessee -
Knoxville. Each year EPS offers a course on Professional
Presentations (Geology 596) to provide a formal opportunity for
students to develop their oral communication skills. This
one-credit course involves writing an abstract and preparing,
practicing, and delivering a professional presentation on any
geological topic of interest, usually a portion of their
dissertation/thesis research. The students present their talks at
a departmental seminar and they are ranked by the faculty. Once
again, ETGS is partnering with EPS to further broaden this
valuable experience by offering awards to the student presenters
and inviting them to give their talks to a professional geology
audience at the May ETGS meeting. We hope you can join us to
support this new generation of geologists and see their
Changes to
Bone Structure and Composition
During Fossilization
Sarah W. Keenan
Department of Earth & Planetary Sciences, University
of Tennessee
Knoxville, Tennessee
Do Silicon
Isotopes Reveal Information About Critical
Events in Precambrian Earth History?
Latisha Brengman
Department of Earth &
Planetary Sciences, University of Tennessee
Knoxville, Tennessee
Local-Scale Stratigraphy to Investigate the
History of Past Rivers and Climate on Mars
Robert Jacobsen
Department of Earth &
Planetary Sciences, University of Tennessee
Knoxville, Tennessee
Page updated May 26, 2018 |