November 2014 Meeting

Monday, November 10, 2014
6:00 - 7:30 pm

Crowne Plaza Hotel
401 W. Summit Hill Drive
Mahogany's Restaurant, Executive Dining Room


Discrimination of Contaminant Seasonal Variance
in a 2nd Order Spring, Anniston, Alabama

Brian S. Murray, P.G., PMP


Coldwater Spring is a deep-sourced, 2nd order spring of low variability with a mean annual flow of 31 million gallons per day. The spring is located at the toe of Coldwater Mountain in Calhoun County, Alabama within the fold and thrust belt of the Valley and Ridge Province. The spring is the public water source for the cities of Oxford and Anniston, Alabama, providing water to approximately 60,000 customers. The spring has been impacted by the migration of volatile organic compounds in groundwater sourced from the Southeast Industrial Area of Anniston Army Depot, located approximately 1.7 miles to the north. The primary contaminant detected in spring water is trichloroethene (TCE) and this compound is present at a concentration above the US EPA Primary Drinking Water Regulations maximum contaminant level of 5 micrograms/liter (0.005 mg/L). Four source areas of TCE have been identified within the Southeast Industrial Area of the Depot with plume extent determined from the sampling of onsite and offsite groundwater monitoring wells. Coldwater Spring has been sampled on a monthly schedule for 12 years thus providing sufficient data to determine the TCE concentration trend and allow discrimination of seasonal variance and lag in relation to changes in annual spring flow.


Brian Murray holds Master's and Bachelor's degrees in Geology and is a registered professional geologist in Alabama and several surrounding states. Mr. Murray is a former Deputy Division Manager and Sr. Hydrogeologist at Leidos in Oak Ridge, TN. Mr. Murray led the investigation of groundwater flow and contaminant migration at the Anniston Army Depot since 1997 and is the author of several CERCLA Remedial Investigation reports related to this site and Coldwater Spring, located nearby in Oxford, Alabama.


Page updated May 26, 2018