Monday, May
11, 2015
6:00 - 7:30 pm
State Technical Community College
10915 Hardin Valley Road, Knoxville
J.L. Goins Administration Building, Cafeteria Annex
First Place
Award-Winning Student Presentation
This months ETGS meeting will follow a slightly different format than is usual. Instead of having one speaker give a 50-minute-long presentation, we will be featuring one mini presentation, lasting approximately 25 minutes, by a graduate student from the Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences (EPS) at the University of Tennessee - Knoxville. Each year EPS offers a course on Professional Presentations (Geology 596) to provide a formal opportunity for students to develop their oral communication skills. This one-credit course involves writing an abstract and preparing, practicing, and delivering a professional presentation on any geological topic of interest, usually a portion of their dissertation/thesis research. The students present their talks at a departmental seminar and they are ranked by the faculty. Once again, ETGS is partnering with EPS to further broaden this valuable experience by offering awards to the student presenters and inviting them to give their talks to a professional geology audience at the May ETGS meeting. We hope you can join us to support this new generation of geologists and see the presentations.
Multidisciplinary Approach to Understanding
Proton Irradiation in Early Solar System Solids
Chris Wetteland, PhD Candidate
Department of Earth & Planetary Sciences, University of
Knoxville, Tennessee
A multidisciplinary effort between Materials Science and Engineering and Earth and Planetary Sciences at the University of Tennessee has been established to explore the effects of transient energetic particles on meteoritic material. The collaboration will explore hydrogen irradiation from the developing Sun as a possible mechanism for melting precursor meteorite components. The experiments will use particle accelerators to simulate conditions which could have existed in the early solar system. Preliminary results indicate that irradiation of early solar material may offer several novel mechanisms for developing the microstructure observed in meteorites.
Page updated May 26, 2018 |