January 13, 2025
6:00 pm - 7:00 pm
January Presentation
Stratigraphic correlation of sands and gravels in the uppermost Atlantic Coastal
Plain, Virginia
Mark Carter1, Kathleen Farrell2, Marcie Occhi3, Diana
Carriker1, Tomonori Naya4, Masayuki Utsunomiya4, Will Odom1,
Michelle Nelson3,
Calley Anthony2, McKenzie Hamilton2, Roy Bassoo3,
Stalin Rosero Pozo2, David Hawkins3, Amy Edwards5,
Bryan Landacre1, Robert Poirier1
1 U.S Geological Survey, Florence Bascom Geoscience Center |
2 North Carolina Geological Survey |
3 Virginia Energy, Geology and Mineral Resources Program |
4 Research Institute of Geology and
Geoinformation, Geological Survey of Japan, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology |
5 Hanover County, Virginia, Public Utilities |
Researchers from the U.S.
Geological Survey, the North Carolina Geological Survey, Virginia
Energy, and the Geological Survey of Japan, are working to determine
the age and stratigraphic position of Atlantic Coastal Plain (ACP)
sand and gravel deposits in the Fall Zone of Virginia and North
Carolina. This research is critical to U.S. economic stability and
national security because these sand and gravel deposits host rare
earth element (REE)-bearing heavy mineral resources in Virginia,
North Carolina, and elsewhere in the southeastern U.S. The host
sediments are not fossiliferous, and so there is little consensus as
to their age, stratigraphic position, and even the nomenclature used
to describe the units. We are combining regional geologic mapping
with multiple biostratigraphic and isotopic dating techniques to
achieve results. This research is funded by the USGS National
Cooperative Geologic Mapping Program, FEDMAP and STATEMAP
components, through the Southeastern Atlantic Coastal Plain
Interstate Correlation Working Group.
Sand and gravel units in the Virginia Fall Zone underlie three
distinct topographic surfaces and are separated by geomorphic scarps
that represent paleoshorelines. These units have been conventionally
assigned to fluvial, fluvial-deltaic, and marginal marine facies of
marine Miocene to Pliocene Chesapeake Group formations to the east
(e.g., Mixon and others, 1989). In the Richmond, Virginia, area, the
sand and gravel unit west of the Chippenham scarp is situated up to
about 275 ft above mean sea level (amsl), and is correlated with the
Pliocene Yorktown Formation. By contrast, the sand and gravel unit
west of the Thornburg scarp is situated above 300 ft amsl, and is
correlated with Miocene Chesapeake Group units. In southeastern
Virginia, sand and gravel are separated into three units; the
topographically lowest unit is present west of the Broad Rock scarp
up to an elevation of about 235 ft amsl, and is correlated with the
Pleistocene Chowan River Formation of the Chesapeake Group (Weems
and others, 2010). Mapping by Virginia Energy applied the term "Cold
Harbor formation" to the topographically lower sand and gravel unit
west of the Chippenham scarp in the Richmond area in the mid-2010s (Berquist
and Gilmer, 2014). The topographically highest unit is assigned
various regional names, including Appomattox (McGee, 1888), Bryn
Mawr (Bascom, 1924), Midlothian (Goodwin and Johnson, 1970) or
Altamaha (Huddleston, 1988); most of these terms are abandoned,
informal, or questionably applied.
These units unconformably overlie crystalline rocks of the eastern
Piedmont, or are nonconformable above fossiliferous Miocene sandy,
silty, and clayey marine strata of the ACP Chesapeake Group.
However, more precise maximum depositional age control points are
few. In the Richmond area, the topographically highest sand and
gravel unit west of the Thornburg scarp is younger than middle
Miocene in age (dinoflagellate biostratigraphy; Edwards and others,
2018). The topographically lower sand and gravel unit west of the
Chippenham scarp is younger than late Miocene in age (calcareous
nannofossil biostratigraphy; this report). In southeastern Virginia,
the topographically lowest two units are likely younger than early
Pliocene in age (diatom biostratigraphy; this report). Pollen data
from sand and gravel mapped as Cold Harbor formation by Virginia
Energy near Petersburg, Virginia indicates at least a portion of the
unit was deposited in a Pliocene swamp or freshwater marsh (Carriker
and others, 2020). Additional stratigraphic control points are
forthcoming. These include: 1) new biostratigraphy from core and
outcrop near the proposed type section of the Cold Harbor formation
northeast of Richmond, and 2) a first-of-its kind application of the
cosmogenic nuclide burial dating technique to uppermost ACP
stratigraphy on a core collected from sand and gravel unit(s) that
host the Old Hickory heavy mineral deposit in southeastern Virginia
(Carter and others, 2024).
Current models assign heavy mineral paleoplacers in southeastern
Virginia to two zones (Shafer, 2000) within at least two sand and
gravel units (Carter and others, 2022). Heavy minerals may have been
sourced from the Blue Ridge, transported across the Piedmont in now
abandoned paleodrainage systems, and deposited with host sands and
gravels along paleoshorelines (Newton and Romeo, 2006). Syn-depositional
faulting likely further concentrated heavy mineral occurences (Berquist
and others, 2015). Significantly, after extensive mining for zircon
and titanium oxide minerals from 1997 to 2015 (Van Gosen and
Ellefsen, 2018), recent USGS Earth Mapping Resources Initiative
airborne radiometric survey data exhibit elevated thorium anomalies
over heavy mineral deposits in southeastern Virginia and
northeastern North Carolina (Shah and Connell, 2022). These
anomalies are attributed to detectable levels of REE-bearing
monazite (Shah and others, 2022). Precise ages and stratigraphic
positions will improve our understanding of these locally heavy
mineral-bearing sand and gravel units, lead to higher quality maps
that show their surface and subsurface distribution and allow for
targeted exploration throughout the Fall Zone from Virginia to
References Cited:
Bascom, Florence, 1924, The resuscitation of the term Bryn Mawr gravel, IN Shorter contributions to general geology, 1923-24: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper, 132-H, p. H117-H119.
Berquist, C.R. Jr., and Gilmer, A.K., 2014, Progress of Coastal Plain geological mapping from Richmond to the Virginia Eastern Shore: Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs, v. 46, no. 3, p.13.
Berquist, C.R., Jr., Shah, A.K., and Karst, A., 2015, Placer Deposits of the Atlantic Coastal Plain: Stratigraphy, Sedimentology, Mineral Resources, Mining, and Reclamation: Society of Economic Geologists, Guidebook Series v. 50, 52 p.
Carriker, D., Occhi, M., Carter, M.W., Bernhardt, C., and Berquist, C., 2020, Determining the age and depositional environment of Coastal Plain sediments at the Jack Quarry, VA using palynology: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 52, n. 2, doi: 10.1130/abs/2020SE-343992.
Carter, M., Seidenstein, J., Farrell, K., Nelson, M.S., Rodysill, J., Odom, W., Holm-Denoma, C., Occhi, M.E., and Hawkins, D.W., 2024, Using the U.S. Geological Survey Geotek multi-sensor core logger system to analyze and preserve core from the Old Hickory heavy mineral deposit, southeastern Virginia: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 56, n. 2, doi: 10.1130/abs/2024SE-398116.
Carter, M.W., Karst, A.T., Berquist, C.R., Jr., Schindler, J.S., Weems, R.E., Weinmann, B.R, and Crider, E.A., 2022a, Preliminary geologic map of the Cherry Hill quadrangle, Dinwiddie, Sussex and Greensville Counties, Virginia: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2021-1106, 1 sheet, scale 1:24,000,
Edwards, L.E., Weems, R.E., Carter, M.W., Powars, D.S., and Spears, D.B., 2018, The significance of dinoflagellates beneath the Midlothian gravels in the southeastern Virginia Piedmont: Stratigraphy, v. 15, n. 3, p. 179-195; doi: 10.29041/strat.15.179-195.
Goodwin, B.K., and Johnson, G.H., 1970, Geology of upland gravels near Midlothian, Virginia: Eleventh Annual Field Conference of the Atlantic Coastal Plain Geological Association Guidebook, Part 2, 30 p.
Huddlestun, P.F., 1988, A revision of the lithostratigraphic units of the coastal plain of Georgia; the Miocene through the Holocene: Georgia Geologic Survey Bulletin, no. 104, 162 p.
McGee, W.J., 1888, Three formations of the middle Atlantic slope [Potomac, Appomattox, Columbia]: American Journal of Science, 3rd series, v. 35, p. 120-143, 328-330, 367-388, 448-466.
Mixon, R.B., Berquist, C.R. Jr., Newell, W.L., and Johnson, G.H., 1989, Geologic map and generalized cross sections of the Coastal Plain and adjacent parts of the Piedmont, Virginia: U.S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Investigations Series Map 1-2033, 2 sheets, scale 1:250,000.
Newton, M.C., III, and Romeo, A.J., 2006, Geology of the Old Hickory heavy mineral sand deposit, Dinwiddie and Sussex counties, Virginia, in Reid, J. C., editor, Proceedings of the 42nd Forum on the Geology of Industrial Minerals: Information Circular 34, North Carolina Geological Survey, p. 464-481.
Shafer, P.L., 2000, Mineralogical and geochemical variations in the Old Hickory heavy mineral sand deposit, Sussex and Dinwiddie Counties, VA [MS Thesis]: Blacksburg, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, 77 p.
Shah, A.K., and Connell, D., 2022, Airborne magnetic and radiometric survey, Virginia and North Carolina Fall Zone, 2021: U.S. Geological Survey data release, doi: 10.5066/P9RQCG2I.
Shah, A.K., Carter, M., Blake, D., Spears, D., Merschat, A., Deasy, R., McAleer, R., Lassetter, W., and Farrell, K., 2022, New high resolution airborne geophysics in southeastern Virginia and northeastern North Carolina: Breaking fresh ground along the fall zone, in Thorleifson, L. H., ed., Geologic Mapping Forum 21/22 Abstracts, Minnesota Geological Survey Open File Report OFR-22-2, 62 p.
Van Gosen, B.S, and Ellefsen, K.J., 2018, Titanium mineral resources in heavy-mineral sands in the Atlantic Coastal Plain of the southeastern United States: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2018-5045, 32 p.,
Weems, R.E.,
Schindler, J.S., and Lewis, W.C., 2010, Detailed section from
auger holes in the Emporia 1:100,000-scale Quadrangle, North
Carolina and Virginia: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report
2010-1121, 293 p.
Mark W. Carter has been a professional geologist since 1996. Mark's expertise
is geologic mapping throughout the southern Appalachian crystalline
core and Coastal Plain. He has produced geologic maps and reports in
three states (Tennessee, North Carolina, and Virginia) and from four
geologic provinces (Valley and Ridge, Blue Ridge, Piedmont, Coastal
Plain). As a USGS Research Geologist, he is currently project chief
of the National Cooperative Geologic Mapping Program Eastern
Piedmont and Upper Coastal Plain, Virginia to Georgia Project. Mark
is mapping in southeastern Virginia for critical mineral framework
studies, and in central Georgia for resource management.
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Page updated January 22, 2025 |