February 2025 Virtual Meeting

Monday, February 10, 2025
6:00 pm - 7:00 pm

February Presentation

Whales, Rocks, and Light


Gary Bible, Ph.D., President Cougar Dome, LLC



Whales had been hunted for their meat around the world for thousands of years.  The practice of hunting whales solely for their blubber that could be rendered into oil that could be used for candles and lamps originated in New England in the late 1600 and early 1700 hundreds.  With the advent of factory whaling  ships the whale population began a rapid decline.  With this decline in the whale population whale oil became very expensive.  Fortunately for the whales the rise of the oil industry in Southwestern Pennsylvania produced large amounts of very cheap kerosene that could be used for lighting purposes.  This led to the overnight decline of the whaling industry.


Gary Bible earned his B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees in geology from Kent State, and Iowa State Universities, respectively. After working for several companies in the oil industry for some 35 years, Gary founded and is President of Cougar Dome, LLC -- Geological and GIS Consulting in 2013, and continues to drill his own prospects through that entity. Gary is the former Chairman of the Tennessee Oil and Gas Association, has been an adjunct professor of Geology at UTK, and is an Oil and Gas Industry Representative on the Tennessee Board of Water Quality, Oil, and Gas.



Greetings, and welcome to the February 10, 2025 ETGS virtual meeting.

If you attend via Zoom as a courtesy please mute your cell phone or the microphone in your laptop/tablet to minimize background noise and feedback echoes. We will also make an effort to mute all participants - at least until the presentation is finished. Please use the chat feature to type any comments or questions you may have. We recommend that you send questions for the speaker to "everyone" so all participants can see the question. In the interest of time, we may hold the Q&A at the end of the presentation.

We will create a virtual attendance list. It is not always possible to tell who is participating on-line, especially for those joining by phone, so please email
etgs@live.com to be listed on the attendance sheet. Let us know exactly how your name should appear on the list. We will add a note explaining the lack of signatures due to remote participation and have an ETGS officer sign as usual.

As always, we welcome and appreciate your feedback and suggestions for improvement.


ETGS News:

  • New ETGS mugs are available! If you would like to purchase a mug, email etgs@live.com and include "ETGS Mug" in the subject line.


ETGS Coffee & Beer Mugs...

Sure to be a collector's item!

We look forward to seeing you at the next meeting.

ETGS is a volunteer organization. We need your help to continue serving those interested in the geology of East Tennessee and beyond. Please email us at
etgs@live.com if you would consider assisting in one of the following open positions. It is a great opportunity to expand your personal and professional network.

David Carlone

Vice President

J. Brad Stephenson

Seaira Stephenson

Webmaster/Social Media Coordinator
Bob Gelinas



Page updated January 22, 2025