Past Meetings


October 2024
Xin Gu
Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL)
Pyrite Oxidation in Rocks: From Atomic Observation to Global Implications

September 2024
Robert Moore
Senior Undergraduate Student
Tennessee Tech in Cookeville, TN
Developing an ArcGIS Toolbox for Automated Roadside Outcrop Detection: A Case Study of Tennessee

Special May 2024 Meeting
Cynthia Palomares, PG, PE
How Climate Change Impacts Infrastructure

May 2024
Dr. Robert D. Hatcher, Jr.
Distinguished Scientist and Professor Emeritus
Earth and Planetary Sciences
The Channeled Scablands of the Northwestern US - Geologic Puzzle or Formation by Unique Processes

April 2024
Emily Etheridge, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, PhD Candidate
Thermal Evolution of Enstatite Chondrite and Aubrite Parent Bodies: Constraints from Silicate Geothermometry

March 2024
Mark Carter, PG, CPG, USGS Florence Bascom Geoscience Center
Geologic mapping, whole rock geochemistry, and U-Pb zircon geochronology for terrane characterization and
source-to-sink critical mineral framework studies, southeastern Virginia and northeastern North Carolina

February 2024
Dick Merrill
A Geologist Looks at Climate change Claims Using the scientific method to evaluate climate change (global warming)

January 2024
Brian S. Murray PG, PMP
Overview of the Geology of Cyprus




January 2023
Lukman Fashina1, Ingrid Luffman2, Andrew Joyner2, and Nandi Arpita2

1PhD Student, Department of Geography and Sustainability, University of Tennessee, Knoxville
2Department of Geosciences, East Tennessee State University

Geospatial Analysis and Water Quality Index Assessment of Karst Spring Water Quality in Northeast Tennessee

February 2023
Alan Pitts, PhD, Geologist, USGS Florence Bascom Geoscience Center
Aerial and Ground-based Structure from Motion Photogrammetry for Stratigraphic and Structural Analysis - Applications from mapping in the Central Appalachian Valley and Ridge Province

March 2023
William Odom, PhD, Geologist, USGS Florence Bascom Geoscience Center
Miocene or Pliocene, Hemphillian or Blancan? Dating the Gray Fossil Site with Cosmogenic Nuclides to test Existing Biochronology

April 2023
Chance Sturrup, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, M.S. Candidate

Evaluating Bulk δ13C and δ15N Values of Acidic Hydrothermal Sediments on Earth -- Implications for Mars Astrobiology
Hannah R. Rigoni, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Ph.D. Candidate
A food web analysis for the subterranean fauna in the Croatian Dinaric Karst using stable isotopes
Paula J. Perilla-Castillo, Sally. P Horn, Steven G. Driese, Tammy Rittenour, & Larry D. McKay, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Ph.D. Candidate
Holocene Paleofloods Recorded in Floodplain Soil Profiles in the Upper Tennessee River Basin

May 2023
Ethan G. Sweet, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, MS Candidate
Hyporheic zone hydrodynamics, biogeochemistry, and microbial community distributions of the San Saba River, Texas

September 2023
Tony McClain
Petroleum Systems Analysis and the Shale Revolution: A Career Perspective

October 2023
Patrick White, PE
Geologic Conditions at the Proposed Miner Flat Dam Site in Arizona and their Impact on Foundation Design

November 2023
Ben Miller, USGS Nashville, TN
Karst hydrologic investigations in carbonate fensters of the western Great Smoky Mountains



January 2022
Leila Character (previously Donn)1, Tim Beach1, Cody Schank1, Takeshi Inomata2, Agustin Ortiz JR3, Adam Rabinowitz4, Tom Garrison1

1leiladonn@utexas.edu, Department of Geography and the Environment, University of Texas at Austin
2School of Anthropology, University of Arizona
3Underwater Archaeology Branch, Naval History and Heritage Command
4Department of Classics, University of Texas at Austin

Archaeological Machine Learning: Using remotely sensed imagery to find and map archaeological features

February 2022
Mark Carter, PG, CPG, USGS Florence Bascom Geoscience Center
With contributions from Arthur Merschat1, Wright Horton1, Bill Burton1, Martitia Tuttle2, Russell A. Green3, Frank Pazzaglia4, Jesse Hill5, Paula Figueiredo6

1USGS Florence Bascom Geoscience Center
2M. Tuttle and Associates
3Virginia Tech, Charles E. Via Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering
4Lehigh University, Dept. of Earth and environmental Sciences
5North Carolina Geological Survey
6North Carolina State University, Dept. of Marine, Earth, and Atmospheric Sciences

Comparing the 2011 M5.7 Mineral, VA and the 2020 M5.1 Sparta, NC Earthquakes

March 2022
Chris L. Saucier, P.E., TVA

The Boone Dam Internal Erosion Remediation Project

April 2022
Julie Marie Coulombe
Comparative Geochemical Analysis of Recent Volcanic Flows on Barva Volcano, Costa Rica
Morgan Lewis
Structural Analysis of Cross-Cutting and Curviplanar Veins in Gale crater, Mars and their Implications for Basin Evolution

May 2022
Brian S. Murray PG, PMP

Evolution of an Expansive Contaminant Plume - Naval Weapons Industrial Reserve Plant Bethpage, Long Island, New York

September 2022
Gareth J. Davies, TDEC (Retired)

The Younger Dryas (the Impact Hypothesis) - and Interesting New Data.....

October 2022
Brian S. Murray PG, PMP

Part 1 - Geologic Setting and Current State of Dead Sea
Part 2 - Masada Fortress Water Source and Roman Siege Ramp

November 2022
Dr. Robert D. Hatcher, Jr.
Distinguished Scientist and Professor Emeritus
Earth and Planetary Sciences

Valley and Ridge to Blue Ridge Foothills: Transition from the Appalachian Foreland Fold-Thrust Belt into the Outer Metamorphic Core of the Orogen



January 2021
Dr. Steve Hageman

Late Neoproterozoic to early Cambrian biological and tectonic transitions in the Southern Appalachians (Chilhowee Gp)

March 2021
Paul Favara

How to Avoid "Kick the Can" - Get More Out of Your Annual Performance Assessments

April 2021
Dr. Alauddin Khan

Development of a Regional Groundwater Flow Model for the U.S. Department of Energy Oak Ridge Reservation: Numerical Model using MODFLOW-USG

May 2021
Helle Leth Skjetne
Chaos Terrains on Pluto, Europa, and Mars: Insights to Crustal Lithology and Structure
Robert B. Reid
An Experimental Study of the Alteration of Venusian Surface Basalts via CO2-SO2 Gas-solid Reactions

September 2021
Dr. Colin D. Sumrall
A new look at Mississippian Brittle Star Diversity Based on Disarticulated Skeletal Elements

October 2021
Gareth Davies, TDEC & Stephen Worthington, Worthington Groundwater, Ontario
The Chalk and Jurassic Carbonates of England: Karst or Not?

November 2021
Gareth Davies, TDEC (Retired)
Investigations at Abandoned Mine Sites in the Rocky Mountains

December 2021
ETGS December Holiday Social


January 2020
Elizabeth C. Phillips
Following through: Oak Ridge's Cleanup Program Continues Forward

February 2020
Ethan Coon

Building process understanding through models: Exploring the interactions of hydrology, geomorphology, and soil science in warming Arctic tundra

March 2020
Sid Jones, PhD, PE, PG

Solute and sediment transport in the Knox Aquifer near Oak Ridge, TN

April 2020
J. Brad Stephenson, PG with support from Seaira Stephenson; Harry L. Moore, PG; and Alice Ann Moore.
Geology & More in the Land of Fire & Ice - Travels in Iceland - September/October 2019

May 2020
Victoria E. Frazier
Cities on Karst: Cave Stream Geochemistry Across an Urbanization Gradient

September 2020
Michael Phillips
Brimstone Volatiles and Hermean Hollows

October 2020
Richard Merrill
Long term effects of a leak in a gas storage well within the Bammel gas storage field, Harris County, Texas

November 2020
Daniel H. Doctor, PhD
Progress Toward A Preliminary Karst Depression Density Map for the Conterminous United States: Tennessee Update

December 2020
ETGS Members
The ETGS December Holiday Social will be a virtual (Webex) Pub Quiz in memory of Dr. Don Byerly,
an ETGS founder we lost in 2018.



January 2019
Dr. Robert D. Hatcher, Jr.
Introduction to Dead Sea regional geology and the Mt. Seldom salt diapir

February 2019
Dr. Konrad W. Quast
SSIs and ASDs, A Piece of the Puzzle Versus the Whole Story

March 2019
Dr. Te-Yang Soong
Probabilistic Modeling of Settlement Risk at Land Disposal Facilities

April 2019
David Watson
Metal, Liquid, Gas, God? - Mercury Forms and Transformations that Impact Fate, Transport, Uptake and Remediation

May 2019
Megan D. Mouser
Viscosity of the Mercurian Magma Ocean: Implications for Crystal Fractionations and Crustal Petrogenesis

Claire Mondro
A Global Perspective on Martian Alluvial Fans

Cole Nypaver
The future of lunar exploration and the role of the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter in improving our geologic understanding of the Moon

September 2019
Cole Nypaver
Long Term Erosion of Lunar Impact Craters as a New Method of Obtaining Ages of the Lunar Surface

October 2019
Dr. Steve Stow, PhD

Liquid Nuclear Waste Disposal at Oak Ridge, from X-10 to Yucca Mountain; Can We Connect the Dots?

November 2019
Dr. Robert D. Hatcher, Jr.

Modern Appalachian Topography, Product of Miocene to Recent Uplift: Not a Relic of Paleozoic Orogeny, And Not The "World's Oldest Mountain Chain"

December 2019
ETGS Members
Bring A Special Rock or Photos to Share


January 2018
Travis A. Paris
Sharps Chapel Area Kimberlite January Field Trip Prelude

February 2018
Dr. Linda C. Kah
Habitability of Lakes on Mars: A View from Curiosity

March 2018
Dr. Robert D. Hatcher, Jr.
Folds in the Ft. Payne Formation near Celina, Tennessee
Tectonic or Non-Tectonic Origin?

May 2018
Jared W. Brabazon
Inverse Estimation of Surface Fractal Dimension and Aperture Width for Rock Fracture
from Spontaneous Imbibition Measurements

Lauren E. McGraw
Volatile Characterization on Near Earth Asteroids

Audrey C. Martin
Constraining the Origin of Jupiter’s Trojan Asteroids

September 2018
Gareth Davies
Tracing, Modeling, and Testing Assumptions Used in Dating Groundwater, and,
Urban and Rural Impacts on Groundwater in the Woodville Karst Plain, North Florida

October 2018
Dr. Robert D. Hatcher, Jr.

Prelude to Field Trip: "Folds in the Ft. Payne Formation near Celina, Tennessee
Tectonic or Non-Tectonic Origin?"

November 2018
Robert Benfield, LPG TN

A Geologist's Story

December 2018
ETGS Members
Bring A Special Rock or Photos to Share


January 2017
Dr. Stephen H. Stow
. . . . And Some of the Cowboys Wore White Hats;
Disposal of Liquid Nuclear Waste at Clinton Labs in the Very Early Years

February 2017
Dennis Mayton
Department of Energy Oak Ridge Office Groundwater Program Status

March 2017
Jen Bauer
Internal Respiratory Structures of Blastoids Provide a Better Understanding of Past Relationships

Abigail Barrett
Environmental Controls on Microbial Extracellular Enzymes in Freshwater

April 2017
Harry Moore
Gray Fossil Site

May 2017
Dr. Don W. Byerly
Tennessee Marble

September 2017
R. C. (Dick) Merrill
A Trip To Ground Zero -- The Trinity Site Today

October 2017
Thomas McComb
Reclamation of the Lower North Potato Creek Watershed -- A Success Story

November 2017
Dr. Andrea Rocha
High-throughput Sequencing as a Microbial Diagnostic Tool
for Defining and Managing Environmental Processes

December 2017
ETGS Members
Bring A Special Rock or Photos to Share


February 2016
Kyle Kirschenmann
"It's Not All Steak and Lobster"
Agribusiness Development in Afghanistan - Water Resource Projects

March 2016
Barry Thacker
Promote STEM As A Living STEM-Historian

April 2016
Michael Smilley
Groundwater Monitoring Network Maintenance and Modifications at a Subtitle C Landfill
Chemical Waste Management Emelle Facility, Emelle, Alabama

May 2016
Robert Riding
Stromatolites, Now and Then: What Can We Figure Out From Their 3,500 Million Year History?

September 2016
Jeff Munsey
TVA Dams Built on Karstic Foundations

October 2016
Dr. Robert D. Hatcher, Jr.
What We know about the Eastern Tennessee Seismic Zone
Paleo-Seismicity After 8 Years of Research—Tip of the Iceberg

November 2016
Julie G. Ezold
The Oak Ridge National Laboratory Role in the Discovery of Element 117

December 2016
ETGS Members
Bring A Special Rock or Photos to Share


January 2015
Dr. Robert D. Hatcher, Jr.
Oil and Gas Resources and Impact on the Industry of
Horizontal Drilling and Fracking

February 2015
Terri Bown
The Dark Side of the Carbon Cycle:
Organic Matter Transformations in a Karst Aquifer

March 2015
Dr. Daniel Yoder
The State of Tennessee’s Stormwater Management:
Challenges, Opportunities, and Tools

April 2015
Bill Wilder
Structural Geology, Hydrogeology, and Evolution of Gap Cave
Cumberland Gap National Historical Park, TN/VA/KY

May 2015
Chris Wetteland
A Multidisciplinary Approach to Understanding
Proton Irradiation in Early Solar System Solids

September 2015
Mackenzie Hodges
A Land Snail Assemblage for the Federally Threatened Anguispira picta

David Riestenberg
Underground Storage of Carbon Dioxide:
Introduction and Field Demonstration Examples

October 2015
Joel Daniel
Geophysics as a Tool for Geologic and Geotechnical
Engineering Site Characterization — Reducing Risk of the Unknown

November 2015
Elizabeth C. Phillips
The Fukushima Daiichi Accident
or How I Almost Had My Fifteen Minutes of Fame

December 2015
ETGS Members
Bring A Special Rock or Photos to Share


January 2014
Dr. Harry Y. (Hap) McSween
The Geologic Exploration of Asteroid Vesta
NASA's Dawn Mission

February 2014
Dr. Peter A. Salpas and
Deidre Tharpe
Oak Ridge Environmental Information System:
No Longer Just a Database

March 2014
Harry L. Moore
Golder Associates
(Retired TN DOT Geologist)
Karst Geohazards in East Tennessee:
Examples of Highway Development in Karst Areas

April 2014
Dr. Jan F. Simek
The Sky Above, The Mud Below:
Prehistoric Rock and Cave Art in Tennessee

May 2014
Nicole Lunning
Insights from Regolithic Meteorites and a
Discussion of Meteorites from Antarctica

September 2014
Dr. Larry McKay
UT Geology Update
New Faculty, New Building and New Opportunities

October 2014
St. Thomas LeDoux
Characterizing Groundwater Alteration by Hydraulic Fracturing
Using Radionuclides and Stable Isotopes

November 2014
Brian S. Murray, P.G., PMP
Discrimination of Contaminant Seasonal Variance
in a 2nd Order Spring, Anniston, Alabama

December 2014
ETGS Members
Bring A Special Rock or Photos to Share


January 2013
Dr. Don W. Byerly
A Geologic Overview of the Cumberland Plateau, Tennessee

February 2013
R. C. (Dick) Merrill
The Disaster at Jefferson Island
Human induced collapse and subsequent flooding of the
Jefferson Island, Louisiana salt mine;
lessons for future, underground storage, and disposal

March 2013
Dr. Linda C. Kah
Curioser and Curioser: The Curiosity
Rover Mission in Gale Crater

April 2013
Carolyn Tewksbury-Christle
Characterizing Fractures: Data from Below the Resolution
Limit of Ground Penetrating Radar

May 2013
Sarah W. Keenan
Changes to Bone Structure and Composition
During Fossilization

Latisha Brengman
Do Silicon Isotopes Reveal Information About Critical
Events in Precambrian Earth History?

Robert Jacobsen
Using Local-Scale Stratigraphy to Investigate the
History of Past Rivers and Climate on Mars

November 2013
Dr. Keil J. Neff

Hydrodynamic Modeling:

Applications in Stream Restoration and Flood Mapping

December 2013
ETGS Members
Bring A Special Rock or Photos to Share


January 2012
Jeff Munsey
August 23, 2011 Central Virginia Earthquake

February 2012
Richard Lounsbury
Expect the Unexpected: Unusual Environmental Conditions
Encountered During Road-Building Activities

March 2012
Kenneth Christle
Subaerial Lava Pillars: Evidence for Non-Explosive
Lava-Water Interactions in Iceland

April 2012
Susan L. Gawarecki, PhD
Public Participation in Department of Energy
Technical and Policy Decisions

May 2012
Carolyn Tewksbury-Christle
Microgravity and Micromagnetic Evidence for Shallow Subsurface
Termination of the Northeast Dike at Ship Rock, NM

Brendan Headd
Comparative Functional Analysis of Microbial Sulfide Oxidation
and its Impact on Environmental Geochemistry

Donnie Hicks
The Curecanti Pluton: A ~1.4 Ga Laccolith in the
Black Canyon of the Gunnison, CO

September 2012
Robert D. Hatcher, Jr
New Data Providing Additional Paleoseismic for Large,
Prehistoric Earthquakes in the East Tennessee Seismic Zone

October 2012
Grant Mincy
Mining Impacts on Freshwater Mussels

November 2012
Bob Hunter
Assessing Pathogen Fate

December 2012
ETGS Members
Bring A Special Rock or Photos to Share


February 2011
Dr. Jack Parker
Cost Optimization of DNAPL Site Remediation 
Considering Prediction Uncertainty

March 2011
Dr. Robert Hatcher, Jr.
Evidence for a 25,000-year History of 
Earthquake Activity in Eastern Tennessee

April 2011
Bruce Stearns
Petrography, Environment of Deposition, and
Feasibility of Mining of a Lignite from
Lauderdale County, Tennessee

May 2011
Phillip Derryberry
The Pulaski Fault in Northeast TN and Southwest VA:
Recorder of Possible Two-Phase Alleghanian Deformation

Geoff Gilleaudeau
Carbon, Sulfur and Iron in the Mesoproterozoic Touirist Formation, Mauritania:
Implications for Environmental Redox

Matthew Huebner
Using SHRIMP to Trace A Terrane Boundary Through The Inner Piedmont:
And You Thought They Just Tasted Good

September 2011
Dennis H. Yankee
TVA Kingston Ash Recovery Project-Progress and Path Forward

October 2011
Dr. Melanie Mayes
Incorporating Molecular-Scale Mechanisms Stabilizing Soil
Organic Carbon into Terrestrial Carbon Cycle Models

November 2011
Chu-Lin Cheng and Dr. Ed Perfect
Geological Storage of Carbon Dioxide:
Implementation, Simulations, and Impacts

December 2011
ETGS Members
Bring A Special Rock or Photos to Share


January 2010
Robert E. Mayer, Jr.
Use of Water Pillows for the Production of Anaerobic Water
During an In-Situ Groundwater Injection

February 2010
Craig J. Hardgrove
Geology with a Thermal Imager

March 2010
Beth Lavoie
Transport of Dissolved and Particulate Explosives Compounds
in Saturated Flow Column Experiments

April 2010
Seaira Stephenson
Federal Leadership in Environmental, Energy and Economic Performance

May 2010
Andrew W. Beck
Petrologic Evidence for Multiple Ultramafic Lithologies on Asteroid 4Vesta
Jackie Langille
The Ama Drime Detachment, Tibet-Nepal:
Insights into Orogen-Parallel Extension in the Convergent Himalaya
Andrew Moore
Determining the Effect of Water Content on Uranium(VI)
Leaching in Sediment Containing Gravel

September 2010
Travis A. Paris
Graves Mountain, Georgia
A Brief Review of an Average Kyanite Mine And World Class Mineral Collecting Locality

October 2010
Richard Lounsbury
Characterization of Karst Systems to Support EIS Decisions

November 2010
Yang Liu

The Now "Watery" Moon

December 2010
ETGS Members
Bring A Special Rock or Photos to Share


January 2009
Barry F. Beck, Wanfang Zhou, and Arthur J. Pettit
Introduction to Karst Features in a Peatland Complex, Northern Ontario, Canada

February 2009
Thomas F. Zondlo
Karst Hydrogeology of the Ten Mile Creek Watershed, West Knoxville, Tennessee

March 2009
Devon M. Burr
Some Discoveries and Some Questions about Extraterrestrial Channelized Flow

April 2009
Peter Knappett, Larry McKay, and Alice Layton
Transport Pathways of Pathogens to Aquifers in Bangladesh

May 2009
C.E. Viviano
Using THEMIS to Extend the Mapping of Phyllosilicates on Mars
Brittany Davis
A Fault and Curved Anomalies Identified from Aeromagnetic Data
in the Central Georgia Inner Piedmont

September 2009
Frank Bogle
A Karst Hydrogeologic Investigation of the TNT Manufacturing Valley
at the Volunteer Army Ammunition Plant
Hamilton County, Tennessee

October 2009
Colin Sumrall
Universal Elemental Homolgy - The Key to Recovering The Echinoderm Tree of Life

November 2009
ETGS Officers
Pre-Trip Planning to Gray Fossil Site, Gray, Tennessee
and Bays Mountain Planetarium, Kingsport, Tennessee

December 2009
ETGS Members
Bring Another Rock and Tell the Story


January 2008
Robert D. Hatcher, Jr. and Stephen H. Stow
Geology and Hydrogeology of the Oak Ridge Area
and the History of Location of the DOE Facilities

February 2008
Micah Jessup
Tectonic Evolution of the Mount Everest Region

March 2008
Geoffrey J. Gilleaudeau
Racetrack Playa, Death Valley, California:
Shedding New Light on an Age-Old Paradox

April 2008
Tony Tingle
Pre-trip Presentation of Virginia Creeper Trail
Damascus, Virginia

May 2008
ETGS Members
Social Gathering

September 2008
Jonathan Shireman
(Presenter: Mark Maki)
Characterizing a Complex TCE Plume, Eliminating Suspected Source Areas,
and Reducing Investigation Costs for a RCRA Facility Investigation
at Shaw Air Force Base, South Carolina

October 2008
Jennifer Earles

Sudbury Ore Deposits and their Origins

November 2008
Dr. Kula Misra

Kimberlites: What Are They and Why Do We Care?
Travis Paris
Geology and Mineralogy of the Sharps Chapel Area, Union County, Tennessee

December 2008
ETGS Members
Bring A Rock and Tell the Story


January 2007
Brian Caldwell and Ronnie Britto
Application and Refinement of Treatment Technologies for RDX Biodegradation

February 2007
Moshiur Rahman
Use of Trend Analysis and Linear Regression Modeling
to Derive Proportional Rate Change of Nitro Aromatic Explosives
in Groundwater: Application to Remedial Alternatives Evaluations

March 2007
Harry Moore
Karst and Caves Along the Proposed SR 475 Study Corridor
Loudon, Knox and Anderson Counties

April 2007
Jonathan W Mies
Structural Geology and Fold-related Joints of the Chattanooga Area

May 2007
ETGS Members
Social Gathering

September 2007
Terri Brown
Evaluation of Fluorescent Dissolved Organic Material
in Karst Aquifers of East Tennessee

October 2007
Elmer van den Berg
Measuring Hydraulic Properties of the Vadose Zone
at the Department of Energy Site in Hanford, Washington

November 2007
William A. (Bill) Goodwin
Renovation of the Tennessee Marble Industry Museum
in the Former Candoro Marble Company Building in South Knoxville

December 2007
ETGS Members
Geologic Photos from East Tennessee and Beyond


January 2006
Tom Zondlo and Mark Shoemaker
Structural Controls on Karst Development and Groundwater Flow
Redstone Arsenal, Huntsville, Alabama

February 2006
Dr. Gregory S. Baker
University of Tennessee Jones/Bibee Endowed Assistant Professor of Geophysics
Recent Advances in Hydrogeophysics

March 2006
Quintin M. Overocker and Linda C. Kah
Classification and Origin of Middle Wallace Breccias,
Mesoproterozoic Belt Supergroup, Montana and Idaho

April 2006
Berny Ilgner
Watershed as Brownfield:
The Coal Creek Assessment Process in Tennessee

May 2006
Larry Bristol
The Gray Fossil Site (Miocene):
A Rare and Unique Terrestrial Fossil Assemblage in Washington County, Tennessee

September 2006
Dr. Lawrence A. Taylor
Humans Return to the Moon: This Time to Stay

October 2006
Barry Thacker
Coal as a Renewable Energy Partner

November 2006
Richard Mann
An Overview of the History, Regulation, and Geology of the Tennessee Coalfields

December 2006
ETGS Members
Photographic Log of November 18 Field Trip and
Geologic Photos from East Tennessee and Beyond


January 2005
Dr. Don W. Byerly
The Birthplace of Modern Geology - 18th Century Scotland

February 2005
Travis A. Paris
A Pictorial History of Gold Mining
and Exploration in the Southeastern U.S.

March 2005
Bryan S. Schultz
Morphological, Textural, Geochemical, and Mineralogical Properties
of Dolostone-derived Residuum in Knox County, Tennessee

April 2005
Pascal Lee, Ph.D.
Geology and the Human Exploration of the Moon and Mars

May 2005
Informal Social Gathering

September 2005
David Watson
Probing the Earth with Geophysics: Do We Still Need Drilling Rigs?

October 2005
Dana Miller
Seasons of the Hurricanes: Conversations with Trees

November 2005
Mark A. Gardiner
Application of a Geochemical Evaluation Methodology:
A Success Story for Environmental Site Cleanup and Closure at
Former Volunteer Army Ammunition Plant, Chattanooga, Tennessee

December 2005
George Yu
Photographic Log of December 3 Field Trip
by Peter J. Lemiszki & Martin S. Kohl
Geologic Excursion Across Part of the Southern Appalachian
Foreland Fold-Thrust Belt in Northeastern Tennessee


January 2004
Dr. Larry D. McKay
Environmental Impacts of Coal Tar Contamination
from the Chattanooga Coke Plant, Chattanooga, Tennessee

February 2004
Melanie Mayes
The Coster Shop Controversy:
Geologic, Environmental, and Political Interpretations

March 2004
Dillon Gray & Anthony Khiel
Soil Resource Inventory of the
Great Smoky Mountains National Park: Overview and Design

April 2004
Randy W. Gentry, PhD, PE
Hydrogeology and Implications of Leakage
Between Aquifer Units in the Northern Mississippi Embayment

May 2004
Informal Social Gathering

September 2004
Jeffrey Keaton
2004 Richard H. Jahns Distinguished Lecturer in Engineering Geology
Engineering Geology Mapping in the Information Technology Age

October 2004
Jamie M. Bartel
Optimization of a Groundwater Monitoring Network

November 2004
Jeff Moersch
Geology of the Martian Surface
First Results from the Mars Exploration Rovers Spirit and Opportunity

December 2004
ETGS Members
Geologic Photos from East Tennessee and Beyond




Meeting details are available in archived News Klippe issues for some meetings prior to 2004.


Page updated October 14, 2024

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